<% ' Function Declarations Sub GenerateEmail(strFrom, strTo, strSubject, strMessage) Dim objConfig Dim objMessage Dim strSch Set objConfig = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Configuration") Set objMessage = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message") Set objMessage.Configuration = objConfig strSch = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/" objConfig.Fields.Item(strSch & "sendusing") = 2 objConfig.Fields.Item(strSch & "smtpserver") = "" objConfig.fields.update objMessage.From = strFrom objMessage.To = strTo objMessage.Subject = strSubject objMessage.TextBody = strMessage objMessage.Send Set objMessage = Nothing Set objConfig = Nothing End Sub ' Test to see if the page is posted. If len(Request.Form("btnSubmit")) > 0 Then ' Declare local variable to hold the "Thank You" page location. Dim lsThankYouPage ' Declare local email varialbes. Dim lsEmailFrom Dim lsEmailTo Dim lsEmailSubject Dim lsEmailBody ' Decalare local variables to hold form data. Dim lsFirstName Dim lsLastName Dim lsAffiliation Dim lsTitle Dim lsAddress Dim lsCity Dim lsState Dim lsZip Dim lsCountry Dim lsPhone Dim lsFax Dim lsEmail ' Set the redirect page. lsThankYouPage = "http://www.pff.org/events/upcomingevents/thanks.html" ' Assign form fields to local variables lsFirstName = Request.Form("msFirstName") lsLastName = Request.Form("msLastName") lsAffiliation = Request.Form("msAffiliation") lsTitle = Request.Form("msTitle") lsAddress = Request.Form("msAddress") lsCity = Request.Form("msCity") lsState = Request.Form("msState") lsZip = Request.Form("msZip") lsCountry = Request.Form("msCountry") lsPhone = Request.Form("msPhone") lsFax = Request.Form("msFax") lsEmail = Request.Form("msEmail") ' Build email header and body information. lsEmailFrom = lsEmail lsEmailTo = "events@pff.org" lsEmailSubject = "042908 CEO Ganley Luncheon Registration" lsEmailBody = "First Name: " & lsFirstName & vbcrlf lsEmailBody = lsEmailBody & "Last Name: " & lsLastName & vbcrlf lsEmailBody = lsEmailBody & "Affiliation: " & lsAffiliation & vbcrlf lsEmailBody = lsEmailBody & "Title: " & lsTitle & vbcrlf lsEmailBody = lsEmailBody & "Address: " & lsAddress & vbcrlf lsEmailBody = lsEmailBody & "City: " & lsCity & vbcrlf lsEmailBody = lsEmailBody & "State: " & lsState & vbcrlf lsEmailBody = lsEmailBody & "Zip: " & lsZip & vbcrlf lsEmailBody = lsEmailBody & "Country: " & lsCountry & vbcrlf lsEmailBody = lsEmailBody & "Phone: " & lsPhone & vbcrlf lsEmailBody = lsEmailBody & "Fax: " & lsFax & vbcrlf lsEmailBody = lsEmailBody & "Email: " & lsEmail & vbcrlf ' Send the email. GenerateEmail lsEmailFrom, lsEmailTo, lsEmailSubject, lsEmailBody ' Redirect to the "Thank You" page. Response.Redirect(lsThankYouPage) Else %> The Progress & Freedom Foundation - Events
Past Events
Event Media
Upcoming Events
CEO Luncheon with Declan Ganley of Rivada Networks
April 29, 2008
12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center
Rotunda Room
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C 20004

Register Online


  • Declan J. Ganley, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Rivada Networks
  • W. Kenneth Ferree (Moderator), President, The Progress & Freedom Foundation
  • Michael Calabrese, Vice President, Director of the Wireless Future Program and Co-Director of the Next Social Contract Initiative, New American Foundation
  • Hiram "Art" Contreras, Advisor, Mobile Future
  • Paul Glenchur, Senior Vice President and Telecom Services Analyst, Stanford Washington Research Group

Those interested in attending should register using the form below. Media questions should be directed to Amy Smorodin at 202-289-8928 or asmorodin@pff.org. Others should contact Jane Creel at 202-289-8928 or mail@pff.org.

Registration Form (Required fields in bold):

First Name Last Name
City       State     Zip

(must be a valid email address for the form to function properly, e.g. name@company.com)

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The Progress & Freedom Foundation The Progress & Freedom Foundation The Progress & Freedom Foundation <% End If %>